Uztaro 46 (2003)

Militantismoaren mutazioa: Frantziako ikasle-militantismoa adibide gisa

Eguzki Urteaga
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Militantismoaz hitz egitean bi ikuspegi nabarmentzen dira: alde batetik, militantismo klasikoa ez dela gehiago errealitate bat, esan nahi baita aldaketa sakona izan duela; eta, beste aldetik, iragana idealizatzearekin batera oraina dramatizatzen dela. Bi ikuspegi horiek bat egitean militantismoaren krisiaren sentimendua nagusitzen da, zenbait adierazle horren erakusgarri direlarik. Erakunde militanteen kidetza eta botoak beherantz doaz, zatiketak zein barne-gatazkak aldiz gorantz, eta militanteek abanguardia estatusa galdu dute. Baina horrek ez digu argibiderik eskaintzen militantismoak ezagutzen dituen aldaketei buruz. Horregatik, artikulu honetan planteatzen dugun galdera honakoa da: zein da ikasle-militantismoak jasan duen mutazioa, bere arrazoi, errealitate eta ondorioekin?

When we talk about militancy two perspectives appear: on one side, classical militancy is no longuer a reality, that is to say that it has known a deep changement; on other side, with the idealization of the past, there is a dramatization of the present. When this two perspectives encounter each other the sensation of the crise of militancy dominates, helped by a few indicators. The votes and members of militant organizations decline, divisions and internal conflicts increase and the militants have lost the advence guard status. But that doesnÕt give us an explanation about the changements of student militancy. That is the reason why, the question that we formulate is: which is the mutation that student militancy has known, analysing his reasons, reality and consequences.