Uztaro 16 (1996)

Nazioaren subirotasun monetarioa

Joseba Felix Tobar Arbulu
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Bernard Schmitt ekonomilariak aurkezturiko nazio monetarioaren subiranotasuna dugu aztergai. Alde batetik, edozein bankuren bi zeregin desberdin aipatzen dira, nazio monetarioaren barnekoa eta kanpo-harremanetarakoa. Bestetik, edozein nazio monetario independentek bere monetaz zer-nolako funtzionamendua eduki beharko lukeen aztertzen da, bi hipotesitan: (a) nazioarteko amankomuneko moneta egonen denean, eta (b) Europako amankomuneko moneta, baina ez mundu-mailako moneta, egonen denean. Bi hipotesiotan, nazio monetarioaren subiranotasuna nola babes daitekeen da arazoa.


The article analyses the notion of monetary nation\'s sovereignty, as developped by Bernard Schmitt. The two main tasks concerned to any bank are also mentioned, in order to deal with national and international economic exchanges. Monetary independence is under discussion. Independence, on both the monetary and economic side, is analysed within two hypotheses: whether we have or not an international currency for the whole world and/or for Europe.