Uztaro 119 (2021)

Hominidoen (homo eta mulier) fakultate mentalak eta produktuak Euskal Herrian

Jokin Apalategi Begiristain
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Gure egungo gogoetan unibertsoa dugu azken zola. Mundu osoa, existitzen den oro, alegia. Hala ere, hori guztia ezagutzetik arras urrun gaudenez «zientzia» arloan, gaurko gure gogoetan Euskal Herriko hominidoen prehistoriaz dakiguna gogoratuz kritikoki adierazten saiatzea dugu helburu. Euskal Herrian bizi izandako espezie hominidoen arteko harremanez XX. mendean adierazi izan zaigunaz arituko gara, Ataungo herrira so. Horretarako, hominidoen arteko harremanez adieraziak izan diren errepresentazio sozialak erabiliko ditugu. Hasteko, etnografoen lana, ondotik etnologoetara igaroaz lehenek jasotako ahozko produktuak, arte plastikozkoak eta idatzizkoak izan ditugu esku artean. Eta lan hau burutzeko antropologoetara heltzen gara. Gainera, gaur egun lekuan lekuko zientzietan ezinbestekoak diren soziologoak, psikologoak eta historiagileak ere presente edukiko ditugu eginkizun honetan.

Gako-hitzak: Hominidoak -- Irudikapenak -- Kontzeptuak -- Kontakizun prehistorikoak -- Ahozko herri-produktuak -- Jentilak -- Kristauak


Mental faculties (homo and mulier) and products of the hominids in the Basque Country


In our present-day thoughts the universe is the horizon, namely, the whole world, everything in existence. Since we stand very far from knowing all of it according to the domain of «science», we intend to express critically our knowledge on the hominids living in the prehistory of the Basque Country. The paper discusses the views transmitted during the 20th century on the relations held by the hominid species inhabiting the area, with a focus in the municipality of Ataun. For the purpose, we study the social representations conveyed about the relations the hominids had among them. First of all, we address the work carried out by ethnographers, next moving on to the ethnologic approach on oral, plastic art and written production; the study concludes with a view to the work conducted by anthropologists. Sociologists, psychologists and historians are also considered in this pursuit.

Key words: Hominidae -- Representations -- Concepts -- Prehistoric narratives -- Oral folklore -- Pagan giants -- Christians