giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Euskal Herriko bertso-eskolek bertsolaritzaren transmisioaz haratago lan hezitzailea egiten dute nerabezaroa ardatz hartuta. Lan honen helburua da bertsoeskolak aisialdi hezitzailearen arloko eragile gisa aztertzea, nerabeei talde horien parte izateak eskaintzen dizkien ekarpenak zeintzuk diren ikertuz. Horretarako, Bizkaiko bertso-eskoletako 49 kidek asoziazio askeko ariketa bat egin zuten Grid Elaboration Method delakoari jarraiki eta bertan sortutako erantzunak analisi lexikalaren bidez aztertu ziren, zehazki Iramuteq softwarea erabiliz. Horrez gain, datu osagarri gisa galdera ireki batzuk ere egin zitzaizkien parte-hartzaileei. Ateratako emaitzek bertso-eskolen balio hezitzailea baieztatu dute, eta nabarmendu dituzte, aisialdi hezitzailearen arloan, nerabeen identitatea garatzeko gune gisa eta plano psikosozialean eragina duen espazio gisa. Zehazki ikusi da gazteen aisian oinarritutako euskal kulturaren transmisioa eta lanketa kognitiboa lantzeaz gain, harreman-esparruan ekarpen nabarmena egiten dutela parekoen arteko transmisioan eta norberarekiko erronketan oinarritua.
Gako-hitzak: Bertso-eskola -- Denbora libre hezitzailea -- Nerabezaroa -- Gizarte Hezkuntza
Verse-making schools, as educational spaces in adolescence[Abstract]
The aim of this investigation is to analyse the educational task that verse-making schools do in Basque Country, focusing it on adolescence. The main idea that has been considerated as premise is the importance of collective identity in adolescence. We want to see whether verse-making schools offer useful social educational tools for adolescents, analysing them as agent of educational leisure. For that, 49 members of verse-making schools of Bizkaia did an exercise of free association, based on Grid Elaboration Method. The answers have been analysed with a lexical analysis, through the software Iramuteq. In addition, they answered some open questions, as a complementary fact. Qualitative methodology has been used, as well as a questionnaire. The outcomes of the analysis have confirmed the educative value of verse-making schools, as important agents on a psychosocial level in the field of educative leisure. Concretely, we have seen that verse-making schools, beyond the transmission of the basque culture and the cognitive work, contribute to the field of relationships, basing on peer transmission and self-challenge.
Key words: Verse-making school -- Educational leisure -- Adolescence ยท Social Education