Uztaro 101 (2017)

«Egia egi, ogia ogi, ardaua ardau, bi eta bi lau» edo Biktimaren Estatutua arautzen duen 4/2015 Legeari hamar kritika

Ixusko Ordeñana Gezuraga
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lerroetan 2015. urtean onartu zen 4/2015 Legearen azterketa kritiko bat egiten da. Espainiako Zuzenbidean Biktimaren Estatutua arautzen duen legeberria komunikabide gehienek, politikari askok eta zenbait adituk ozen goraipatu duten arren, hainbat akats ditu. Oker horiek guztiak 10 kritika nagusitan bildu eta azaldu ditugu, lege ferenda konponbideak ere emanez.

Gako-hitzak: Biktimaren Estatutua -- 4/2015 Legea -- Biktima -- Delitugilea


Let us call a spade a spade or ten criticisms of 4/2015 law about statute of victim


In the following lines a critical reading of 4/2015 law, which was adopted in 2015,is done. While most of media, many politicians and some experts have praised the new lawregulating the Statute of Victim in Spanish law, it has plenty of flaws. All these defects aregrouped and explained in 10 major criticisms, presenting likewise lege ferenda their solutions.

Key words: Statute of victim -- 4/2015 law -- Victim -- Offender