giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria
ISSN: 1130-5738
Gizartea mehatxatzen duten fenomeno berriak, adibidez 2014ko ebola-izurritea, ulertzeko beraiei buruzko esanahi partekatuak eraikitzen ditugu, gizarte-irudikapenak. Horien bidez ebolari esanahia emateaz gain arriskuaren hautemate-maila eta emozioak ere bideratzen dira. Lan honek Euskal Herriko 294 pertsonak ebola nola ulertzen, hautematen eta sentitzen duten neurtu du 2014ko abuztu eta azaro artean, hau da, osasun-krisiaren momentu gordinenean. Emaitzek adierazi dute ebola Afrikarekin lotutako gaixotasun arriskutsu gisa irudikatzen dela, baina gure gizartean izurritearekiko norberaren arrisku-hautematea eta beldurra ez direla oso altuak. Are gehiago, arrisku-hautemate eta beldurra altuagoak dira krisiaren hasieran Mendebaldean kutsatzeak gertatzean baino. Hori, izurriteak behin eta berriz agertzeak sortutako nekeak edota izurriteekiko betetzen ez diren aurreikuspen izugarriek azal lezakete, baina nabarmena da osasun-krisiei aurre egiteko eran eragin zuzena duela.
GAKO-HITZAK: Ebola · Gizarte-irudikapen · Arrisku-hautemate · Emozio.
Integrating ebola in the everyday thinking: Social representations, risk perception and emotions
To understand the new phenomena that threaten our society, such as the currentebola outbreak, we build shared meanings, that is, social representations. Social representationsmake the ebola be understandable and also channeled the risk perception and emotions. This work analyzed how 294 people from the Basque Country understood, perceived and feltfor ebola from August to November 2014. The results showed that ebola is represented as adangerous disease linked to Africa, but in our society creates mild risk perception and fear. Even more, the risk perception and fear emotions were higher when the health crisis startedthan when contagions happened in the West. This could be explained by the fatigue createdby the incessant reappearance of epidemics or because the tragic predictions of epidemicsalmost never become real. What is clear is that these factors directly influence the way to faceemerging infectious diseases.
KEY WORDS: Ebola · Social Representation · Risk perception · Emotion.