Uztaro 84 (2013)

Brasilgo kooperatibismoaren garapenerako oinarriak. Begiratu kritikoa Euskadiko legedi eta errealitate instituzional kooperatibotik

Ainhoa Larrañaga Elorza
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Bi izan dira Arrasateko Kooperatiba Esperientziak izan duen arrakastaren arrazoiak: 4/93 Euskadiko Kooperatiben Legea, bata, eta kooperatiben inguruan eman den egituratze instituzionala, bestea. Brasilgo errealitate kooperatiboan, kontrara gertatu da: Kooperatiben Legea eta ordezkaritza kooperatibo ofiziala duen egitura izan dira eta dira kooperatibek aurrera egiteko duten eragozpen nagusia. Bi errealitateak alderatzea izan da ikerketa honen jomuga, eta, egindako ekarpenetatik, Brasilgo mugimendu kooperatiboa bultzatzea.

    GAKO-HITZAK: Kooperatiben Legea · Ordezkaritza kooperatibo ofiziala · Brasilgo kooperatibismoa · OCB.

Basis for the development of cooperativism in Brazil. Critical look from the Basque legislation and the reality of cooperative institutions

    There were two reasons for the success of the Mondragon Cooperative Experience: first, the Law 4/1993 on Cooperative Societies of the Basque Country; second, institutional structuring undergone by cooperative societies. But in Brazil the cooperative reality is quite the opposite; the Cooperative Law and the organization that holds the official representation have been the main impediment for the cooperative development. The aim of this research is to compare both realities, in order to foster the cooperative movenent in Brazil.

    KEY WORDS: The Law of cooperatives · Oficial cooperative representation · Cooperativism in Brazil · OCB.