Uztaro 72 (2010)

Manex Goihenetxeren oroitzapenetan

Pruden Gartzia Isasti
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Manex Goihenetxek ohorezko toki bat du euskal historialarien artean. Batetik Udako Euskal Unibertsitatearen (UEU) sortzaileetarikoa izateaz gain, Historia saileko kide kementsua izan zen, hartara Historialaritza akademiko-unibertsitarioaren eta euskararen arteko zubiak eraikitzen berebiziko papera jokatuz. Bestalde, euskaltzale ezagun eta militantea izan zen, besteak beste, Seaskako sorreran eta garapenean parte erabakigarria hartuz. Artikulu honetan haren historialari-lanak iruzkintzen dira, euskal historiografian kokatuz, bereziki hiru ildo hauetan: ikuspegi nazionalean, hizkuntzaren hautuan eta komunitate akademiko-unibertsitarioarekin izandako harremanean. Eranskin gisa haren bibliografia akademiko osoa eskaintzen da.
    GAKO-HITZAK: Euskal Herria · Historia · Intelektualak.

    Manex Goihenetxe occupies a place of honor among the Basque historians. On the one hand he was one of the founders of UEU, and also an active member of its department of history, so he contributed to the building of bridges between the academic-university History and the Basque language. On the other hand, he was well known as a militant Basque expert, who took part in the rise and development of Seaska. In this article it is shown how his releases as an historian fit in the framework of the Basque historiography, mainly in these three axes: the point of view of a nation, the linguistic choice and the feed-back with the academic-university community. As an annex, all his academic bibliography can be consulted.

    KEY WORDS: Euskalherria · History · Intellectuals.