Uztaro 33 (2000)

"Galdegai" bat baino gehiago erakutsi ohi duten esaldiez

Bittor Hidalgo Eizagirre
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Galdegaiaren inguruko ikuspegi berri bila, bi zatitan argitaratuko den lanaren lehen atala. Esaldi luzeen ordenamendu aukerez dihardugu, aztertuz segmentuen ordena aldaerak duen eragina esaldiaren informazio egitura desberdinak eskaintzeko garaian, eta finean mezu hartzailearentzako mezu desberdinak. Ez da (soilik) euskarari lotutako eztabaida, nahiz euskaraz garatua euskarazko adibideekin. Hizkuntza guztiekin du zerikusia, eta luze hitz egiten da itzulpenaren arazoez. Esaldien informazio egitura aztertzen du intonazio egituraren magalean, oin hartuta, esaldien sortze-kodetze // deskodetze-ulertze prozesuen ulermenean eginiko aurrerabideetan psikologia kognitibo, psikolinguistika eta irakurketaren psikologiaren eskutik. Bigarren
atalean esaldi laburra jorratuko da.


This is the first part of a work looking for a new perspective around focalization systems and the information structure of sentences: gives us in long sentences. I search into the influence different arrangements of sentence segments offer in different sentence information structures, and so finally different messages to the message receiver. It is not (only) a discussion around Basque language, but about language in general, even though it
is carried out in Basque language with Basque examples. It also treats related translation problems with some detail. It inquires into sentence information structure from the point of view of intonation systems, relying on the knowledge now we have about sentence coding and production, decoding and understanding by the way of cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, and psychology of reading. The second part of the work to be published will work on short sentences.