Uztaro 30 (1999)

Gizarte-erakundeen erronka berriak Euskal Herrian

Jesús Casquete Ballado
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Euskal Herrian, inguruko gizarteen aldean, gizarte-erakundeek protagonismo eta bizitasun berezia dute. Hain da horrela, mugimendu-gizarte batean bizi garela esan daitekeela. Artikulu honetan lehenik gure gizartearen ezaugarri hori azaltzen duten faktoreak identifikatzen dira. Bigarrenik, baketze-prozesua dela eta zabaldu berri den aroan gizarte-erakundeei zabaltzen zaizkien aukera eta mugen azterketari ekiten zaio.


Comparing to surrounding societies, social organizations play a key role in the Basque Country. In this respect, can be argued that we are living in a social movement society. This article deals first with the factors which contribute to this feature of our society. Secondly, and considering the just opened peace process, the article delves into both the constraints and opportunities that social organizations face in that new political and social situation.