Uztaro 10 (1994)

Semeiotike tekhne


Lantto honetan erakutsi asmo dugu: lehenik, Semiotikak bere sortzapen eta iturburuan izaniko bi proposamenduak, eta bi proposamenduotarik, ea zeini jarraiki izan zaion Semiotikak egundaino ibilitako bidea, eta bide edo bilakabide honetan zehar, hurrenez hurren izan diren faseak; bigarrenik, Semiotikan halabeharrez funtsezko diren signoa eta sistema kontzeptuak zer erraitera datozen, eta halaber hedatuko gara signoari berari dagokion sailkapen eta semiosiaz; azkenik, ezinbertzezko dugu aipatzea zeintzu diren Semiotikak, bere heldutasunera iristekotz, Linguistikaren teoriatik maileguz hartu behar izan dituen kontzeptu nagusiak.


In this short work I have tried to do two things: In the first place, demonstrate the two original proposals of semiotics and which of them has continued its development, along with the main stages of this development; secondly, I have considered \"meanings\" and \"systems\", fundamental concepts in semiotics, as well as the classification and \"semiosis\" of sings. Finally, it is essential for us to know about the main ideas that semiotics has taken from linguistics in reaching its maturity.