Uztaro 27 (1998)

Nazio-arazoaren pedagogia: Irlandatik Euskal Herrira

Paulo Iztueta Armendariz
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Artikulu honetan egileak Irlandaren historiari gainbegirada eskaintzen dio, XII. mendetik hasi eta gure egunetara arte, baina bereziki XX. mendeko gertakizunetan pausatuz begirada. Gero 1998ko apirilean Belfasteko Stormonteko jauregian Erresuma Batuko eta Irlandako gobernu-ordezkariek eta Ipar Irlandako alderdi politikoek izenpeturiko bake-akordioa aztertzen da xeheki, lau punturen garrantzia azpimarratuz: autodeterminatzeko eskubidearen onarpen baldintzatuak, esparru juridikoaren ezarpenak, talde paramilitarren dekomisioak, presoen askatzeak eta Ipar Irlanda berrantolatzeko herri-kontsultak. Azkenik, Irlandaren bideak Euskal Herriari irakats diezaiokeena aztertzen da, are Euskal Herrian negoziaketarako gutxienezko puntuak izango liratekeenak zehaztuz.


This paper offers and overview of the history of Ireland, from the XIIth century until today, with special attention to the events of the XXth century. The author offers a deep insight on the Peace Treaty signed in Stormont, Belfast, in 1998 by the political parties from Northern Ireland, government representatives of Ireland, and government representatives of the United Kingdom. The author emphasizes the relevance of four points: a) the acceptance subject to certain conditions of the right to self-determination; b) the establishment of legal realms; c) the surrender of weapons by paramilitary groups and the excarcelation of political prisoners; and, d) the referendums on the political reorganization of Northern Ireland. Finally, the author analizes the aspects of the peace process in Ireland to be taken into account in the peace process in the Basque Country and, moreover, examines which the
minimal points that should constitute part of the negotiation process in the Basque case would be.