Uztaro 17 (1996)

B. Atxaga eta J. Sarrionandiaren metaforetan barrena bidaiatuz

Aitzpea Azkorbebeitia Aldaiturriaga
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Artikulu honek B. Atxaga eta J. Sarrionandiarengana hurbilduko gaitu euren metaforen azterketaren bidez. Hurbilpenak metaforaren teoria tradizionalen berrikusketa kritikoa eta bestelako ulerkuntza baten proposamena d  abiapuntu, pragmatikaren eta Harrera Teoriaren ikuspegiak erabiliz. Ulerkuntza horren laguntzaz, aipatu idazleen testuetan metaforak jokatutako papera aztertzen da jarraian, paper hori erretorikaren kontzeptu tradizionalarekin baino gehiago egileek literatur sorkuntzaz dituzten planteiamenduekin lotzen dela erakutsiz. Metaforak idazleen poetikaren islada ez ezik, euren ikuskera ezberdinen islada ere badira, bereziki lan honen azken atalean aztertzen direnak: kristala, elurra, errautsa, harea, basamortua, itsasoa, hiri eta irla urrunak, bidaia, basoa eta parke eta lorategia.


The article approaches us to B. Atxaga and to J. Sarrionaindia, through the analysis of their metaphors. The approach starts with a critical review of the traditional metaphor’s theory and a proposal for another understanding, using both the pragmatical and Reception Theory’s points of view. Following, aided with that understanding, the article analyses the role played by the metaphor within the texts of the mentioned writers, showing that this paper is more closely linked with the idea the authors have about literary creation than with the traditional concept of rhetoric. These metaphors reflect, not only the poetics of the writers, but also the writer’s different views, specially those which are analyzed in the last part of this work: glass, snow, ash, sand, desert, sea, remote cities and islands, journey, forest and parks and gardens.