Uztaro 124 (2023)

Segurua al da eskolara bakarrik joatea? Generoaren eragina haurren mugikortasun autonomoan


Zenbait herrialde eskolarako bide aktibo eta autonomoak bultzatzeko proiektuak sustatzen hasi dira. Ikerketa honen helburua da «Eskolabideak» ekimenean parte hartzen duten haurren mugikortasun autonomoarekiko segurtasun-irudikapenak aztertzea, bereziki segurtasun-hautemate horiek haurren generoak baldintzatzen dituen ikertuaz. Hori aztertzeko Bizkaiko 1.002 haurren ahotsak jaso dira eskola-bide horietan hautematen duten segurtasunari buruz. Erantzunak Iramuteq softwarearen bidez aztertu dira. Emaitzek generoen arteko desoreka erakutsi dute, non neskek pertsona ezezagunekiko beldurra era argiagoan hautematen duten. Horrez gain, mutilek komunitatearen laguntzarekiko konfiantza errotuagoa plazaratu dute neskekin alderatuta, kaleetan laguntzeko prest dauden pertsonak aurkituko dituztela aurresuposatuaz.

Gako-hitzak: Bide-mugikortasun autonomoa -- Haurrak -- Hezkuntza -- Generoa


Is it safe goto school alone? Gender impact on autonomous child mobility


Many countries began to encourage projects to promote active and autonomous pathways to school. The aim of this study is to analyse the representations of safety regarding autonomous mobility of children participating in the Eskolabideak initiative, in particular on the study of whether these perceptions of safety are conditioned by children’s gender. The voices of 1002 children from Bizkaia have been collected on the safety they perceive on these school routes. Answers were analysed using Iramuteq software. The results show a gender imbalance in which girls perceive fear of strangers more significantly. In addition, boys have shown a more deep-rooted trust in the help of the community compared to girls, assuming that they will find people on the streets willing to help them.

Key words: Autonomous mobility -- Childhood -- Education -- Gender