Uztaro 119 (2021)

Urrutiko irakaskuntza Haur Hezkuntzan: irakaslegaien usteetara hurbilketa

Ana Gandara Sorrarain
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Covid-19ak irakaskuntza modu eta behar berriak sortu ditu. 2020ko martxoaz geroztik, Haur Hezkuntzan urruneko hezkuntza guztizkoa edo partziala erabiltzera behartuta egon dira irakasleak. Artikuluaren helburua da hurbilketa bat egitea Haur Hezkuntzako Graduko ikasleen usteetara, etorkizunean urruneko irakaskuntzari aurre egin beharko dioten profesionalak izanen baitira: galdetu diegu Haur Hezkuntzako ikasleekin urruneko irakaskuntzan aritzeko nola sumatzen duten beren burua gaitasunei, zailtasunei eta formakuntza-beharrari dagokienez. Galdetegia prestatu aurretik, pandemiak ekarritako irakaskuntza-aldaketei buruz galdetu genien Haur Hezkuntzako 5 adituri, eta pantaila bidezko urrutiko irakaskuntza izan zenez zailtasun-iturririk aipatuena, horri buruz galdetu diegu ikasleei. Onlineko inkesta hiru aldagai konposatuz osatua dago eta horietariko bakoitza, hamahiruna itemez. Ikerketa deskribatzaile eta esploratzaile honetako datuen azterketak hiru ondorio erakusten ditu. Batetik, inkestatuek zailtasunak sumatzen dituztela pantaila bidezko urruneko irakaskuntza Haur Hezkuntzan gauzatzeko; bertzetik, gaitasun-maila txikiagoa sumatzen dutela zailtasun-maila baino; azkenik, korrespondentzia ageri da zailtasun-mailaren eta formakuntza-beharraren artean.

Gako-hitzak: Haur Hezkuntza -- Irakaslegaiak -- Urruneko hezkuntza -- Covid-19 ondorena


Distance learning in Early Childhood Education: an approach to the perceptions of future teachers


Covid-19 has created new forms and needs of teaching. Since March 2020, Early Childhood Education teachers have been obliged to use distance education. This article makes an approximation to the opinions of Infant Grade students, as they will be professionals who will have to face distance education: they have been asked about their self-perception about the competence, difficulty and need for training to work remotely with students in Early Childhood Education. We have asked them about distance learning via screen, as this modality was mentioned by 5 experts in Early Childhood Education, consulted previously to carry out the questionnaire, as the modality that has brought more difficulty in pandemic-teaching. The online survey consists of three composite variables, each of which is composed of thirteen items. The analysis of the data from this descriptive and exploratory research yields three conclusions: respondents perceive difficulties in carrying out distance learning through the screen in Early Childhood Education, they perceive a lower level of competence than the difficulty, and there is a correspondence between the degree of difficulty and the need for training.

Key words: Early Childhood -- Future teachers -- Distance education -- Post- Covid-19