Uztaro 118 (2021)

Berriro ere XVII. mendeko krisiaren inguruan: hurbilketa historiografiko bat

Gartxot Fidalgo Urain
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XVII. mendeko krisiak azken hamarkadetan berrikusketa sakona jasan duen arren, urte askoan ikerketa ugariren iturburu izan zen. Ideia hau, Bigarren Mundu Gerra osteko Britainia Handiko historiografia marxistaren baitan izan zen sortua, feudalismoaren eta kapitalismoaren arteko trantsizioaren inguruko eztabaidaren testuinguruan. 1950eko hamarkadaren amaieratik, gero eta arreta handiagoa jarri zitzaien XVII. mendearen erdialdeko matxinadei, eta krisiari buruzko pentsamendu eta kontakizun tradizional batzuk bertan behera utzi ziren. Artikuluak aipaturiko «krisi» nozioaren sorrera eta bilakaera historiografikoa jorratzea du helburu lehenik. Bestetik, irakurketa bibliografiko horren ildoan, gaur egunean «krisi» izendapenak izan dezakeen erabileraren inguruko ikerketa gauzatu da.

Gako-hitzak: Historiografia -- Berrikuspena -- Krisia -- Ekonomia -- XVII. mendea


Once again about the crisis of the seventeenth century: a historiographical approach


Although the idea of the seventeenth century crisis has suffered a intense review during the last decades, for many years it has been the source of numerous historical researches. This idea was created within the debate of the transition from feudalism to capitalism carried out by the british marxist historiography of the Second World War postwar period. Since the late 1950s, a growing attention was paid to the revolts of the middle of the century and some traditional thoughts and tales about the crisis were eventually abandoned. The main goal of the article is to draw a landscape of the already named crisis notion’s background and its respectiv bibliographical trajectory. On the other hand, the article seeks to understand the practical application of the notion in nowadays researches.

Key words: Historiography -- Review -- Crisis -- Economy -- 17th century