Uztaro 116 (2021)

Trantsizioaren garaiko legedi antiterrorista espainiarra: hautsok ekarriko dituzte lohiak

Alexander Uriarte Cuadrado
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Zergatik izan zuen legedi antiterroristak hain garapen handia Espainiako trantsizioaren garaian? Egile batzuek aipatu izan duten bezala, garai horretako indarkeria politikoaren maila altuak azalduko luke hori? Nolako eragina izan zuen trantsizioaren garaiko politika antiterroristak erregimen demokratikoaren garapenean? Hurrengo lerroetan aurreko galderei erantzuten saiatuko gara. Horretarako, legedi antiterroristaren bilakaera historikoa aztertu eta zenbait testuingururekin harremanetan jarriko da. Halabeharrez, zenbait mugimendu ezkertiarren bilakaerarekin ere harremanetan jarriko da legedi hori.

Gako-hitzak: Legedi antiterrorista -- Mugimendu ezkertiarrak -- Trantsizioa -- Indarkeria politikoa


Spanish anti-terrorist law in the transition time: As you sow, so shall you reap


Why was the development of the anti-terrorism legislation so large during the Spanish transition period? As some authors have pointed out, was the high level of political violence at that time the reason for this development? How did the anti-terrorism policy in the transition period affect the development of the democratic rule? I will try to give an answer to those questions on the following lines. In order to do it, I will focus on the evolution of the anti-terrorism legislation, establishing the relationship between these regulations and their different contexts. At the same time, I will also try to establish the relationship between this legislation and the evolution of some leftist movements.

Key words: Anti-terrorist laws -- Left movements -- The transition -- Political violence